• Reel Number: Reel Number 6
CC-002 Catalogue of Stereopticons, Motion Picture Machines, Lantern Slides, Films Accessories and Supplies for the Optical Projection Trade [Catalogue No. 120], [1907], 335 pp [paginated nonconsecutively through page 535]: NR-GE.
CC-173 "General" Catalog of Motion Picture Machines, Stereopticons, Talking Machines, Complete Outfits, Accessories and Supplies for Traveling Motion Picture Exhibitors [Catalogue No. Al23], [1907], 333 pp [paginated nonconsecutively through page 535]: NNHi.
CC-343 "Special" Catalog of Motion Picture Machines, Stereopticons, Talking Machines, Accessories and Supplies for Motion Picture Theatres [Special Catalog No. 15], [1908], 139 pp [paginated nonconsecutively through page 191]: NNMOMA.
CC-415 "General" Catalog of Motion Picture Machines, Stereopticons, Talking Machines, Complete Outfits, Accessories and Supplies for Traveling Motion Picture Exhibitors [Catalogue No. Al24], [1908], 328 pp [paginated nonconsecutively through page 535]: ICHi, CUB.