CLAc Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Los Angeles)
CLCM Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History
CUB University of California at Berkeley
DGU Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.)
DCL Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.)
ICFAR Federal Archives and Records Center (Chicago)
ICHi Chicago Historical Society
MdSuFR Washington National Records Center (Suitland, Maryland)
MH-BA Harvard Business School, Baker Library, Raff & Gammon Collection (Boston)
NjBaFAR Federal Archives and Records Center (Bayonne, New Jersey)
NjWOE Edison National Historic Site (West Orange, New Jersey)
NN New York Public Library
NNHi New-York Historical Society, Bella Landour Collection (New York City)
NNMOMA    Museum of Modern Art (New York City)
NR-GE George Eastman House (Rochester, New York)
PPFAR Federal Archives and Records Center (Philadelphia)
PPS Franklin Institute (Philadelphia)
PWbH Wyoming Historical and Geological Society (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)
TxU-H University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Gernsheim Collection
Hummel Charles Hummel
Malkames Donald Malkames
Slide Anthony Slide