Lewis Latimer received, singly or with other inventors, seven U.S. patents. He witnessed two of Hiram Maxim's patents and was assigned a half interest in one issued to William Norton. (If you would like to read a short essay on the American patent system in the time of Latimer and Edison, click here.)
Latimer's Patents
Executed | Applied | Issued | Pat. No | Title |
— | 01/14/74 | 02/10/74 | 147,363 | Water-Closets for Railroad-Cars (with Charles W. Brown) |
— | 04/18/81 | 09/13/81 | 247,097 | Electric Lamp (with Joseph V. Nichols) |
02/18/81 | 02/19/81 | 01/17/82 | 252,386 | Process of Manufacturing Carbons (Assigned to U.S. Electric Lighting Co.) |
08/22/81 | 09/07/81 | 03/21/82 | 255,212 | Globe Supporter for Electric Lamps (with John Tregoning) (Assigned to U.S. Electric Lighting Co.) |
09/02/85 | 09/03/85 | 01/12/86 | 334,078 | Apparatus for Cooling and Disinfecting (Witnessed by Mary Latimer.) |
08/24/95 | 08/25/95 | 03/24/96 | 557,076 | Locking Rack for Hats, Coats, Umbrellas, &c. |
05/18/04 | 06/03/04 | 02/07/05 | 781,890 | Book Supporter |
Other Inventors
Executed | Applied | Issued | Pat. No. | Inventor | Title |
— | 03/22/80 | 07/20/80 | 230,309 | Hiram S. Maxim | Process of Manufacturing Carbon Conductors (Witnessed by Latimer.) |
— | 03/09/80 | 02/01/81 | 237,198 | Hiram S. Maxim | Electric Lamp (Witnessed by Latimer.) |
08/20/09 | 08/23/09 | 08/30/10 | 968,787 | William S. Norton | Lamp-Fixture (Assigned 50% to Latimer.) |